Two things that made me wipe it off the computer:ġ) compile your own program and now try to run it on NixOS computer.good luck.Ģ) upstream program is marked as abandoned, I guess you don't need it until someone starts maintaining it again.W.T.F!!!! NixOS is another great idea with sub-par implementation. It is so, so close but not quite there yet.and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. If you think that 90% is good, try it and see for yourself.spoiler: try to unlock your screen when kb is not working.or try to select a menu that keeps closing as soon as you touch it without selecting the item.or try to search for application in Gnome activities with touchscreen. If you have a tablet without kb attached Linux is a major PITA as the on screen kb and touchscreen work 90% of the time and then randomly stop. Also there is always a chance that your Linux update will cause things to stop working, it happened to me a lot more often than with Windows. Windows is definitely worse at that but Linux is not 100% safe either. I am not so sure about that.maybe you don't run updates in the background but some of the distros do and there are random strange problems until you reboot.